Wow! It's 2015already and here I am writing my very first post for this year. Yes I know I haven't been very active, nor find time to check my blog. I guess I was too preoccupied with a lot of things happening around. First of all I was busy this previous year with my cooking/baking lesson that I attended here and in Cagayan de oro city. I already moved back in here in iligan city and hopefully we'll settle here for good ( ok teary eyed here! i'm gonna miss you manila). See to tell you honestly I shoud've made this into food blog rather than makeup, just because I know food is what i really love. I just launched my online shop for cakes on instagram last year and so far Alhamdullillah it's doing well, I get orders almost
Everyday or at least 3 to 4 times a week. I am also regular supplier for a milkltea shop here in Iligan city. I'm planning to open up my tiny shop soon and I really do hope I can accomplish it this year. For now let me share to you some of my creations and if you happen to have instagram please do follow. Thankyou!!
Triple chocolate, vanilla cake w/ buttercream frosting,red velvet cupcakes fudge brownies( best seller since day 1) and chocolate revel bars
Carrot cake with creamcheese frosting, yema cake, chocolate moist, and chocolate revel bars
Cupcakes galore
The birthday cake I made for eldest son

My take on custaroons ,fudge brownies and chocolate chip cookies.. My ever first bazaar
Made this last November for my little minion!
Nice article thanks for sharing with us.
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